Davoud Gholamiangonabadi


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Data Scientist


A seasoned Data Scientist with a rich academic background and extensive professional experience, I specialize in leveraging advanced analytical techniques and data-driven insights to drive meaningful business outcomes. My expertise spans a wide range of technical proficiencies, including Python (with libraries like TensorFlow, PyTorch, Scikit-Learn, Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib) and data visualization tools like Tableau. Proficient in SQL and version control with Git, I have a proven track record of implementing effective data solutions in various industries. At the Royan Institute, my data analysis contributed to saving $1 million, showcasing my ability to deliver significant financial impacts. My soft skills in problem-solving, effective communication, teamwork, and time management complement my technical abilities, making me a well-rounded professional. I am continually seeking opportunities to collaborate on projects that challenge my skills and contribute to meaningful advancements in data science.

Technical Skills:


Degree Institution & Year
Ph.D. in Software Engineering The University of Western Ontario, Canada (2021-Present)
Master of Engineering Science in Software Engineering The University of Western Ontario, Canada (2019-2021)
Master of Science in Industrial Engineering Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Iran (2012-2014)
Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran (2007-2012)

Professional Experience

Research Assistant at Western University (2019-Present)

Software Developer Software Developer at Algobot (Cryptocurrency software) (Apr-Aug 2022)

Data Scientist at Xlscout (Sep-Dec 2021)

Senior Data Analyst at Royan Institute (Jan-Jun 2017)

Senior Data Analyst at Sina Bank (Nov 2016 - Feb 2017)

Data Analyst at Traffic Department of Mazandaran Province (Jul 2016 - Nov 2016)

Data Analyst at Saderat Bank of Iran, (Feb 2014 - May 2014)

Research and Publications

I have made contributions to multiple research projects and publications, primarily focusing on machine learning, deep learning, and federated learning, as they intersect with natural language processing, customer relationship management, and human activity recognition. Several of my contributions include:

Soft Skills:


Feel free to explore my repositories and connect with me for collaborations or discussions in my fields of interest.